Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd - Accounts

Registered number
Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
Report and Accounts
31 August 2014
Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
Registered number: 05528353
Directors' Report
The directors present their report and accounts for the year ended 31 August 2014.
Principal activities
The company's principal activity during the year continued to be labour recruitment
Review of the business
Future developments
Research and development
Financial instrument risk
[The directors recommend a final dividend of £? (?p per share)]
Events since the balance sheet date
The following persons served as directors during the year:
M Mitchell
[Director 2]
[Director 3]
[Director 4]
[Director 5]
[Director 6]
[Director 7]
[Director 8]
[Director 9]
Political and charitable donations
Directors' responsibilities
The Directors acknowledge responsibilities for preparing the report and accounts in accordance with The Companies Act 2006.
Company law requires the directors to prepare accounts for each financial year. Under that law the directors have elected to prepare the accounts in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). Under company law the directors must not approve the accounts unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the profit or loss of the company for that period. In preparing these accounts, the directors are required to:
select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the accounts;
prepare the accounts on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.
The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and enable them to ensure that the accounts comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
Disclosure of information to auditors
Each person who was a director at the time this report was approved confirms that:
so far as he is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the company's auditor is unaware; and
he has taken all the steps that he ought to have taken as a director in order to make himself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the company's auditor is aware of that information.
Third party indemnity provisions
Acquisition of own shares
[Reason for purchase]. The details of the shares purchased are as follows:
Class of share Ordinary shares
Amount paid £0
Nominal value of shares £0
Number of shares 0
Percentage of class purchased 0.0%
Employment of disabled persons
This report was approved by the board on 26 December 2014 and signed on its behalf.
M Mitchell
Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
Independent auditors' report
to the shareholders of Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
We have audited the accounts of Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd for the year ended 31 August 2014 which comprise the Profit and Loss Account, the Balance Sheet, the Cash Flow Statement and the related notes. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice).
This report is made solely to the company's members, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company's members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors' report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company and the company's members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.
Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors
As explained more fully in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the accounts and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the accounts in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's Ethical Standards for Auditors.
Scope of the audit of the accounts
A description of the scope of an audit of financial statements is provided on the APB’s website at
Opinion on the accounts
In our opinion the accounts:
give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 August 2014 and of its profit for the year then ended;
have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and
have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006
In our opinion the information given in the Directors' Report for the financial year for which the accounts are prepared is consistent with the accounts.
Matters on which we are required to report by exception
We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:
adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or
the accounts are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or
certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made; or
we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit.
(Senior Statutory Auditor) 84 High Street
for and on behalf of
Moxie Financial Services Southall
Accountants and Statutory Auditors Middlesex
26 December 2014 UB1 3DB
Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 August 2014
Notes 2014 2013
£ £
Turnover 2 11,605,301 9,013,390
Cost of sales (10,097,473) (7,527,654)
Gross profit 1,507,828 1,485,736
Distribution costs - -
Administrative expenses (1,205,138) (1,502,349)
Other operating income - -
Operating profit/(loss) 3 302,690 (16,613)
Exceptional items:
profit on the disposal of tangible fixed assets 4 - -
profit on the disposal of investments 4 - -
- -
302,690 (16,613)
Income from investments - -
Interest receivable - -
Interest payable 7 - -
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 302,690 (16,613)
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 8 (57,215) -
Profit/(loss) for the financial year 245,475 (16,613)
Continuing operations
None of the company's activities were acquired or discontinued during the above two financial years.
Statement of total recognised gains and losses
The company has no recognised gains or losses other than the profit/(loss) for the above two financial years.
Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
Balance Sheet
as at 31 August 2014
Notes 2014 2013
£ £
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 9 80,000 80,000
Tangible assets 10 46,568 -
Investments 11 - -
126,568 80,000
Current assets
Stocks 12 - -
Debtors 13 2,281,723 5,610,992
Investments held as current assets 14 - -
Cash at bank and in hand 747,893 690,577
3,029,616 6,301,569
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 15 (2,644,977) (5,968,009)
Net current assets 384,639 333,560
Total assets less current liabilities 511,207 413,560
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 16 - -
Provisions for liabilities
Deferred taxation 19 - -
Other provisions 20 - -
- -
Net assets 511,207 413,560
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 21 2 2
Share premium 22 - -
Revaluation reserve 23 - -
Capital redemption reserve 24 - -
Profit and loss account 25 511,205 413,558
Shareholders' funds 27 511,207 413,560
M Mitchell
Approved by the board on 26 December 2014
Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 August 2014
Notes 2014 2013
£ £
Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash
inflow from operating activities
Operating profit 302,690 -
Depreciation and amortisation 10,222 -
Decrease in stocks - -
Decrease in debtors 3,329,269 -
Decrease in creditors (3,323,032) -
Net cash inflow from operating activities 319,149 -
Net cash inflow from operating activities 319,149 -
Returns on investments and servicing of finance 28 - -
Taxation (57,215) -
Capital expenditure 28 (56,790) -
205,144 -
Equity dividends paid (147,828) -
57,316 -
Management of liquid resources 28 - -
Financing 28 - -
Increase in cash 57,316 -
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Increase in cash in the period 57,316 -
Decrease in debt and lease financing - -
New finance leases - -
Redemption of finance leases - -
Increase in liquid resources - -
Change in net debt 29 57,316 -
Net funds at 1 September 690,577 690,577
Net funds at 31 August 747,893 690,577
Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
Notes to the Accounts
for the year ended 31 August 2014
1 Accounting policies
Basis of preparation
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards.
Turnover represents the value, net of value added tax and discounts, of goods provided to customers and work carried out in respect of services provided to customers.
Depreciation is provided on all tangible fixed assets, other than freehold land, at rates calculated to write off the cost, less estimated residual value, of each asset evenly over its expected useful life, as follows:
Freehold buildings over 50 years
Leasehold land and buildings over the lease term
Plant and machinery over 5 years
Stock is valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
Deferred taxation
Full provision is made for deferred taxation resulting from timing differences between the recognition of gains and losses in the accounts and their recognition for tax purposes.

Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates which are expected to apply in the periods when the timing differences will reverse, and discounted to reflect the time value of money using rates based on the post-tax yields to maturity that could be obtained at the balance sheet date on government bonds with similar maturity dates.
Foreign currencies
Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. All differences are taken to the profit and loss account.
Leasing and hire purchase commitments
Assets held under finance leases and hire purchase contracts, which are those where substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset have passed to the company, are capitalised in the balance sheet and depreciated over their useful lives. The corresponding lease or hire purchase obligation is treated in the balance sheet as a liability.

The interest element of the rental obligations is charged to the profit and loss account over the period of the lease and represents a constant proportion of the balance of capital repayments outstanding.

Rentals paid under operating leases are charged to income on a straight line basis over the lease term.
The company operates a defined contribution pension scheme. Contributions are charged to the profit and loss account as they become payable in accordance with the rules of the scheme.
2 Analysis of turnover 2014 2013
£ £
By activity:
Activity 1 11,605,301 9,013,390
Activity 2 - -
Activity 3 - -
Activity 4 - -
11,605,301 9,013,390
By geographical market:
UK 11,605,301 9,013,390
Europe - -
North America - -
Rest of world - -
11,605,301 9,013,390
3 Operating profit 2014 2013
£ £
This is stated after charging:
Depreciation of owned fixed assets 10,222 -
Depreciation of assets held under finance leases and hire purchase contracts - -
Amortisation of goodwill - -
Operating lease rentals - plant and machinery - -
Operating lease rentals - land buildings - -
Auditors' remuneration for audit services - -
Auditors' remuneration for other services - -
Exceptional costs associated with introducing the Euro - -
4 Exceptional items 2014 2013
£ £
Profit on disposal of land and buildings - -
Profit on disposal of plant and machinery - -
- -
Profit on disposal of investments - -
- -
Taxation credit - -
5 Directors' emoluments 2014 2013
£ £
Emoluments 75,000 75,000
Gains made under long term incentive schemes - -
Company contributions to money purchase pension schemes - -
Pensions to former directors - -
75,000 75,000
Highest paid director:
Emoluments - -
Company contributions to money purchase pension schemes - -
- -
Highest paid director:
Accrued retirement benefits from defined benefit pension schemes - -
Number of directors in company pension schemes: 2014 2013
Number Number
Money purchase schemes - -
Defined benefit schemes - -
6 Staff costs 2014 2013
£ £
Wages and salaries 407,214 645,878
Social security costs - -
Other pension costs - -
407,214 645,878
Average number of employees during the year Number Number
Administration - -
Development - -
Distribution - -
Manufacturing - -
Marketing - -
Sales - -
- -
7 Interest payable 2014 2013
£ £
Bank loans and overdrafts - -
Other loans - -
Finance charges payable under finance leases and hire purchase contracts - -
Non-equity dividends - -
- -
8 Taxation 2014 2013
£ £
Analysis of charge in period
Current tax:
UK corporation tax on profits of the period 57,215 -
Adjustments in respect of previous periods - -
57,215 -
Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of timing differences - -
Effect of increased tax rate on opening liability - -
Decrease in discount - -
- -
Tax on profit on ordinary activities 57,215 -
Factors affecting tax charge for period
The differences between the tax assessed for the period and the standard rate of corporation tax are explained as follows:
2014 2013
£ £
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before tax 302,690 (16,613)
Standard rate of corporation tax in the UK 20% 20%
£ £
Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by the standard rate of corporation tax 60,538 (3,323)
Effects of:
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes (3,323) 3,323
Capital allowances for period in excess of depreciation - -
Utilisation of tax losses - -
Adjustments to tax charge in respect of previous periods - -
Current tax charge for period 57,215 -
Factors that may affect future tax charges
9 Intangible fixed assets £
At 1 September 2013 80,000
Additions -
Disposals -
At 31 August 2014 80,000
At 1 September 2013 -
Provided during the year -
On disposals -
At 31 August 2014 -
Net book value
At 31 August 2014 80,000
At 31 August 2013 80,000
Goodwill is being written off in equal annual instalments over its estimated economic life of 5 years.
10 Tangible fixed assets
Land and buildings Plant and machinery Fixtures, fittings, tools and equipment Total
£ £ £ £
At 1 September 2013 - - - -
Additions - - 56,790 56,790
Surplus on revaluation - - - -
Disposals - - - -
At 31 August 2014 - - 56,790 56,790
At 1 September 2013 - - - -
Charge for the year - - 10,222 10,222
Surplus on revaluation - - - -
On disposals - - - -
At 31 August 2014 - - 10,222 10,222
Net book value
At 31 August 2014 - - 46,568 46,568
At 31 August 2013 - - - -
Freehold land and buildings: 2014 2013
£ £
Historical cost - -
Cumulative depreciation based on historical cost - -
2014 2013
£ £
Net book value of fixed assets included above held under finance leases and hire purchase contracts - -
11 Investments
Investments in
subsidiary Other
undertakings investments Total
£ £ £
At 1 September 2013 - - -
Additions - - -
Disposals - - -
At 31 August 2014 - - -
The company holds 20% or more of the share capital of the following companies:
Capital and Profit (loss)
Company Shares held reserves for the year
Class % £ £
[Company name 1] Ordinary - - -
[Company name 2] Ordinary - - -
[Company name 3] Ordinary - - -
[Company name 4] Ordinary - - -
Other investments 2014 2013
£ £
Listed investments - -
Unlisted investments - -
- -
Listed investments - market value - -
Taxation on potential capital gain if sold at valuation - -
12 Stocks 2014 2013
£ £
Raw materials and consumables - -
Work in progress - -
Finished goods and goods for resale - -
Long-term contract balances - -
- -
The difference between purchase price or production cost of stocks and their replacement cost is not material.
2014 2013
£ £
Long-term contract balances consist of:
Costs to date less provisions for losses - -
Less: applicable payments on account - -
- -
13 Debtors 2014 2013
£ £
Trade debtors 2,281,723 5,610,992
Amounts owed by group undertakings and undertakings in which the company has a participating interest - -
Deferred tax asset (see note 19) - -
Other debtors - -
Prepayments and accrued income - -
Amounts recoverable on long term contracts - -
2,281,723 5,610,992
Amounts due after more than one year included in:
Trade debtors - -
Amounts owed by group undertakings and undertakings in which the company has a participating interest - -
Other debtors - -
Prepayments and accrued income - -
Amounts recoverable on long term contracts - -
- -
14 Investments held as current assets 2014 2013
£ £
Listed investments - -
Unlisted investments - -
- -
Listed investments - market value - -
Taxation on potential capital gain if sold at valuation - -
15 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 2014 2013
£ £
Non-equity preference shares - -
Bank loans and overdrafts - -
Obligations under finance lease and hire purchase contracts - -
Payments on account on long term contracts - -
Trade creditors 2,644,977 5,968,009
Amounts owed to group undertakings and undertakings in which the company has a participating interest - -
Corporation tax - -
Other taxes and social security costs - -
Other creditors - -
Accruals and deferred income - -
Proposed dividend - -
2,644,977 5,968,009
16 Creditors: amounts falling due after one year 2014 2013
£ £
Non-equity preference shares - -
Bank loans - -
Obligations under finance lease and hire purchase contracts - -
Payments on account on long term contracts - -
Trade creditors - -
Amounts owed to group undertakings and undertakings in which the company has a participating interest - -
Corporation tax - -
Other taxes and social security costs - -
Other creditors - -
Accruals and deferred income - -
- -
17 Loans 2014 2013
£ £
Loans not wholly repayable within five years:
Loan 1 (give details of repayment terms and interest rate) - -
Loan 2 (give details of repayment terms and interest rate) - -
Loan 3 (give details of repayment terms and interest rate) - -
- -
Analysis of maturity of debt:
Within one year or on demand - -
Between one and two years - -
Between two and five years - -
After five years - -
- -
The bank loans are secured on …
18 Obligations under finance leases and hire purchase 2014 2013
contracts £ £
Amounts payable:
Within one year - -
Within two to five years - -
After five years - -
- -
19 Deferred taxation 2014 2013
£ £
Accelerated capital allowances - -
Tax losses carried forward - -
Undiscounted provision for deferred tax - -
Discount - -
Discounted provision for deferred tax - -
2014 2013
£ £
At 1 September - -
Deferred tax charge in profit and loss account - -
At 31 August - -
20 Provisions for liabilities
At 1 September 2013 -
Additional provisions made during the period -
Amounts used -
Amounts reversed unused -
Changes in the discounted amount -
At 31 August 2014 -
A provision of £x has been recognised for expected warranty claims on products sold during the last three financial years. It is expected that most of this expenditure will be incurred in the next financial year, and all will be incurred within two years of the balance sheet date.
21 Share capital Nominal 2014 2014 2013
value Number £ £
Allotted, called up and fully paid:
Ordinary shares £1 each - 2 2
B Ordinary shares £1 each - - -
2 2
? Preference shares £1 each - - -
2 2
Nominal Number Amount
value £
Shares issued during the period:
Ordinary shares £1 each - -
B Ordinary shares £1 each - -
? Preference shares £1 each - -
22 Share premium 2014
At 1 September 2013 -
Shares issued -
Expenses of issue -
At 31 August 2014 -
23 Revaluation reserve 2014
At 1 September 2013 -
Arising on revaluation during the year -
At 31 August 2014 -
24 Capital redemption reserve 2014
At 1 September 2013 -
Transfer from the profit and loss account -
At 31 August 2014 -
25 Profit and loss account 2014
At 1 September 2013 413,558
Prior year adjustments -
At 1 September 2013 413,558
Profit for the financial year 245,475
Dividends (147,828)
Transfer to capital redemption reserve -
At 31 August 2014 511,205
26 Dividends 2014 2013
£ £
Dividends for which the company became liable during the year:
Dividends paid 147,828 237,828
Dividends not paid - -
147,828 237,828
Analysis of dividends by type:
Non-equity dividends (note 7) - -
Equity dividends (note 25) - -
- -
Dividends proposed after the balance sheet date - -
27 Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds 2014 2013
£ £
At 1 September 413,560 668,001
Profit/(loss) for the financial year 245,475 (16,613)
Dividends (147,828) (237,828)
Other recognised gains and losses - -
Shares issued - -
Shares redeemed - -
Net capital redemption reserve transfer (should be nil) - -
At 31 August 511,207 413,560
28 Gross cash flows 2014 2013
£ £
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Dividends received - -
Interest received - -
Interest paid - -
Interest element of finance lease rental payments - -
- -
Capital expenditure
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets - -
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (56,790) -
Payments to acquire investments - -
Receipts from sales of intangible fixed assets - -
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets - -
Receipts from sales of investments - -
(56,790) -
Management of liquid resources
Purchase of current asset investments - -
Sale of current asset investments - -
- -
Issue of share capital - -
Redemption of share capital - -
Expenses paid in connection with share issue - -
New loans raised - -
Loan repayments - -
Capital element of finance lease rental payments - -
- -
29 Analysis of changes in net debt
At 1 Sep 2013 Cash flows Non-cash changes At 31 Aug 2014
£ £ £ £
Cash at bank and in hand 690,577 57,316 747,893
Overdrafts - - -
Debt due within 1 year - - -
Debt due after 1 year - - -
Finance leases - - -
Current asset investments - - -
Total 690,577 57,316 - 747,893
30 Major non-cash transactions 2014
Capital value of new finance lease arrangements -
31 Post balance sheet events
32 Capital commitments 2014 2013
£ £
Amounts contracted for but not provided in the accounts - -
33 Pension commitments
34 Other financial commitments
At the year end the company had annual commitments under non-cancellable operating leases as set out below:
Land and buildings Land and buildings Other Other
2014 2013 2014 2013
£ £ £ £
Operating leases which expire:
within one year - - - -
within two to five years - - - -
in over five years - - - -
- - - -
35 Contingent liabilities
36 Loans to directors
Description and conditions B/fwd Paid Repaid C/fwd
£ £ £ £
M Mitchell
[Loan 1] - - - -
[Loan 2] - - - -
[Director 2]
[Loan 1] - - - -
[Loan 2] - - - -
[Director 3]
[Loan 1] - - - -
[Loan 2] - - - -
[Director 4]
[Loan 1] - - - -
[Loan 2] - - - -
[Director 5]
[Loan 1] - - - -
[Loan 2] - - - -
[Director 6]
[Loan 1] - - - -
[Loan 2] - - - -
[Director 7]
[Loan 1] - - - -
[Loan 2] - - - -
[Director 8]
[Loan 1] - - - -
[Loan 2] - - - -
[Director 9]
[Loan 1] - - - -
[Loan 2] - - - -
- - - -
37 Guarantees made by the company on behalf of directors
Description and terms Maximum Amount paid
liability and incurred
£ £
M Mitchell
[Guarantee 1] - -
[Guarantee 2] - -
[Director 2]
[Guarantee 1] - -
[Guarantee 2] - -
[Director 3]
[Guarantee 1] - -
[Guarantee 2] - -
[Director 4]
[Guarantee 1] - -
[Guarantee 2] - -
[Director 5]
[Guarantee 1] - -
[Guarantee 2] - -
[Director 6]
[Guarantee 1] - -
[Guarantee 2] - -
[Director 7]
[Guarantee 1] - -
[Guarantee 2] - -
[Director 8]
[Guarantee 1] - -
[Guarantee 2] - -
[Director 9]
[Guarantee 1] - -
[Guarantee 2] - -
- -
38 Related party transactions 2014 2013
£ £
[Name of related party 1]
[Description of relationship]
[Description of transaction and amounts involved]
[Amount due from (to) the related party] - -
[Provision for doubtful debt due from related party] - -
[Amounts written off in the period] - -
[Name of related party 2]
[Description of relationship]
[Description of transaction and amounts involved]
[Amount due from (to) the related party] - -
[Provision for doubtful debt due from related party] - -
[Amounts written off in the period] - -
[Name of related party 3]
[Description of relationship]
[Description of transaction and amounts involved]
[Amount due from (to) the related party] - -
[Provision for doubtful debt due from related party] - -
[Amounts written off in the period] - -
[Name of related party 4]
[Description of relationship]
[Description of transaction and amounts involved]
[Amount due from (to) the related party] - -
[Provision for doubtful debt due from related party] - -
[Amounts written off in the period] - -
[Name of related party 5]
[Description of relationship]
[Description of transaction and amounts involved]
[Amount due from (to) the related party] - -
[Provision for doubtful debt due from related party] - -
[Amounts written off in the period] - -
[Name of related party 6]
[Description of relationship]
[Description of transaction and amounts involved]
[Amount due from (to) the related party] - -
[Provision for doubtful debt due from related party] - -
[Amounts written off in the period] - -
[Name of related party 7]
[Description of relationship]
[Description of transaction and amounts involved]
[Amount due from (to) the related party] - -
[Provision for doubtful debt due from related party] - -
[Amounts written off in the period] - -
[Name of related party 8]
[Description of relationship]
[Description of transaction and amounts involved]
[Amount due from (to) the related party] - -
[Provision for doubtful debt due from related party] - -
[Amounts written off in the period] - -
[Name of related party 9]
[Description of relationship]
[Description of transaction and amounts involved]
[Amount due from (to) the related party] - -
[Provision for doubtful debt due from related party] - -
[Amounts written off in the period] - -
39 Ultimate controlling party
Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
Detailed profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 August 2014
2014 2013
£ £
Sales 11,605,301 9,013,390
Cost of sales (10,097,473) (7,527,654)
Gross profit 1,507,828 1,485,736
Distribution costs - -
Administrative expenses (1,205,138) (1,502,349)
Other operating income - -
Operating profit/(loss) 302,690 (16,613)
Exceptional items - -
Income from investments - -
Interest receivable - -
Interest payable - -
Profit/(loss) before tax 302,690 (16,613)
Allied Recruitment Servies Ltd
Detailed profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 August 2014
2014 2013
£ £
Sales 11,605,301 9,013,390
11,605,301 9,013,390
Cost of sales
Purchases 6,692 -
Decrease in stocks - -
Subcontractor costs 10,090,781 7,527,654
Direct labour - -
Carriage - -
Discounts allowed - -
Commissions payable - -
Other direct costs - -
10,097,473 7,527,654
Distribution costs
Distribution costs - -
- -
Administrative expenses
Employee costs:
Wages and salaries 407,214 645,878
Directors' salaries - -
Pensions - -
Bonuses - -
Employer's NI - -
Temporary staff and recruitment - -
Staff training and welfare - -
Travel and subsistence 152,106 203,161
Motor expenses - -
Entertaining - -
559,320 849,039
Premises costs:
Rent 103,485 84,793
Rates - -
Service charges - -
Light and heat 61 -
Cleaning - -
Use of home - -
103,546 84,793
General administrative expenses:
Telephone and fax 39,680 64,072
Postage - -
Stationery and printing 74,331 108,463
Courier services - -
Information and publications - -
Subscriptions - -
Bank charges 62,729 57,925
Insurance 42,065 38,909
Equipment expensed - -
Equipment hire - -
Software - -
Repairs and maintenance 63,733 10,707
Depreciation 10,222 -
Amortisation of goodwill - -
Bad debts 30,418 21,422
Sundry expenses 7,935 3,299
331,113 304,797
Legal and professional costs:
Audit fees - -
Accountancy fees 86,039 109,542
Solicitors fees - -
Consultancy fees - -
Management fees - -
Advertising and PR 125,120 154,178
Other legal and professional - -
211,159 263,720
1,205,138 1,502,349
Other operating income
Other operating income - -
- -
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