Accounts filed on 31-10-2013

trueAssured Quality Partners LtdSC4099672013-10-3165516528636552652873101065526528736552652873645735229245445463651100189865711158397279886058930953581953581Basis of accounting The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective April 2008). Turnover The turnover shown in the profit and loss account represents amounts invoiced during the year, exclusive of Value Added Tax. Fixed Assets All fixed assets are initially recorded at cost. Financial Instruments Financial instruments are classified and accounted for, according to the substance of the contractual arrangement, as either financial assets, financial liabilities or equity instruments. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the company after deducting all of its liabilities.EquipmentMethod for Equipment0.0000 Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction. Exchange differences are taken into account in arriving at the operating profit. 14478336144942522421447833614494252242Ordinary A9199Ordinary B1111Ordinary A1999Ordinary B11112014-07-21Mrs J Colmantruetruetruetruexbrli:sharesiso4217:GBPxbrli:pureAssured Quality Partners Ltd2012-11-012013-10-31Assured Quality Partners Ltd2011-10-252012-10-31Assured Quality Partners Ltd2011-10-24Assured Quality Partners Ltd2012-10-31Assured Quality Partners Ltd2012-10-31Assured Quality Partners Ltd2013-10-31 2014-07-29