Axelent Limited - Accounts to registrar (filleted) - small 22.3

Axelent Limited - Accounts to registrar (filleted) - small 22.3

IRIS Accounts Production v22.4.0.132 04354234 Board of Directors 1.1.22 31.12.22 31.12.22 4.4.23 false true false false true false Auditors Opinion iso4217:GBPiso4217:USDiso4217:EURxbrli:sharesxbrli:pure043542342021-12-31043542342022-12-31043542342022-01-012022-12-31043542342020-12-31043542342021-01-012021-12-31043542342021-12-3104354234ns15:PoundSterling2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns11:Director12022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns11:PrivateLimitedCompanyLtd2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns11:SmallEntities2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns11:Audited2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns11:SmallCompaniesRegimeForAccounts2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns11:FullAccounts2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns11:Director22022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns11:RegisteredOffice2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns6:CurrentFinancialInstruments2022-12-3104354234ns6:CurrentFinancialInstruments2021-12-3104354234ns6:ShareCapital2022-12-3104354234ns6:ShareCapital2021-12-3104354234ns6:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses2022-12-3104354234ns6:RetainedEarningsAccumulatedLosses2021-12-3104354234ns6:LeaseholdImprovements2021-12-3104354234ns6:PlantMachinery2021-12-3104354234ns6:FurnitureFittings2021-12-3104354234ns6:ComputerEquipment2021-12-3104354234ns6:LeaseholdImprovements2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns6:PlantMachinery2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns6:FurnitureFittings2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns6:ComputerEquipment2022-01-012022-12-3104354234ns6:LeaseholdImprovements2022-12-3104354234ns6:PlantMachinery2022-12-3104354234ns6:FurnitureFittings2022-12-3104354234ns6:ComputerEquipment2022-12-3104354234ns6:LeaseholdImprovements2021-12-3104354234ns6:PlantMachinery2021-12-3104354234ns6:FurnitureFittings2021-12-3104354234ns6:ComputerEquipment2021-12-3104354234ns6:WithinOneYearns6:CurrentFinancialInstruments2022-12-3104354234ns6:WithinOneYearns6:CurrentFinancialInstruments2021-12-3104354234ns6:WithinOneYear2022-12-3104354234ns6:WithinOneYear2021-12-3104354234ns6:BetweenOneFiveYears2022-12-3104354234ns6:BetweenOneFiveYears2021-12-3104354234ns6:AllPeriods2022-12-3104354234ns6:AllPeriods2021-12-31

Financial Statements

for the Year Ended 31 December 2022


Axelent Limited

Axelent Limited (Registered number: 04354234)

Contents of the Financial Statements
for the Year Ended 31 December 2022


Company Information 1

Balance Sheet 2

Notes to the Financial Statements 3

Axelent Limited

Company Information
for the Year Ended 31 December 2022

M A G Hilding

Fire Fly Avenue


Axelent Limited (Registered number: 04354234)

Balance Sheet
31 December 2022

2022 2021
Notes £    £    £    £   
Tangible assets 5 59,138 53,094

Stocks 6 173,603 127,655
Debtors 7 700,572 1,240,008
Cash at bank 899,141 481,777
1,773,316 1,849,440
Amounts falling due within one year 8 465,039 696,873
NET CURRENT ASSETS 1,308,277 1,152,567



NET ASSETS 1,353,604 1,196,480

Called up share capital 30,000 30,000
Retained earnings 1,323,604 1,166,480
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 1,353,604 1,196,480

The financial statements have been prepared and delivered in accordance with the provisions applicable to companies subject to the small companies regime.

In accordance with Section 444 of the Companies Act 2006, the Income Statement has not been delivered.

The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 30 March 2023 and were signed on its behalf by:

M A G Hilding - Director

Axelent Limited (Registered number: 04354234)

Notes to the Financial Statements
for the Year Ended 31 December 2022


Axelent Limited (the Company) is a company incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies Act.

The Company is a private Company Limited by shares and is registered in England and Wales. The address of the Company's registered offices is shown on the company information page.


These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 102 "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland" including the provisions of Section 1A "Small Entities" and the Companies Act 2006.


Summary of significant accounting policies
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented, unless other stated.

Basis of preparing the financial statements
These financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis, under the historical cost convention.

Functional and presentation currency
The company's functional and presentation currency is the pound sterling.

Revenue recognition
Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable and represents the amount receivable for goods supplied or services rendered, net of returns, discounts and rebates allowed by the company and value added taxes.

The Company bases its estimate of returns on historical results, taking into consideration the type of customer, the type of transaction and specifics of each arrangement.

The Company recognises revenue when the following conditions are satisfied:
i. the Company has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods;
ii. the Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;
iii. the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;
iv. it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction can be measured reliably.

Sale of goods and services
Turnover from the sale of goods is recognised when the goods are physically delivered to the customer. Turnover from the supply of services represents the value of services provided under contracts to the extent that there is a right to consideration and is recorded at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. Where payments are received from customer in advance of services provided the amounts are recorded as deferred income and included as part of creditors due within one year.

Interest receivable
Interest income is recognised using the effective interest method.

Tangible fixed assets
Tangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. Cost includes the original purchase price, costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use, dismantling and restoration costs and borrowing costs capitalised.

Depreciation and residual values
Depreciation is provided on all tangible fixed assets at rates calculated to write off the cost or valuation, less estimated residual value, of each asset over its expected useful life as follows:

Improvements to property- Over term of lease
Plant and machinery- Straight line over 3 years and 10 years
Fixtures and fittings- Straight line over 10 years
Computer equipment- Straight line over 3 years and 5 years

Repairs and maintenance costs are expensed as incurred.

Axelent Limited (Registered number: 04354234)

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31 December 2022


Stock is stated at the lower of cost and estimated selling price less costs to complete and sell. Stock is recognised as an expense in the period in which the related revenue is recognised.

At the end of each reporting period stock is assessed for impairment. If an item of stock is impaired, the identified stock is reduced to its selling price less costs to complete and sell and an impairment is recognised in the profit and loss account. Where a reversal of the impairment is recognised the impairment charge is reversed, up to the original impairment loss, and is recognised as a credit in the profit and loss account.

Taxation expense for the period comprises current and deferred tax recognised in the reporting period. Tax is recognised in the profit and loss account, except to the extent that it relates to items recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity. In this case tax is also recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity respectively.

Current or deferred taxation assets and liabilities are not discounted.

Current tax
Current tax is the amount of income tax payable in respect of the taxable profit for the year or prior years. Tax is calculated on the basis of tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the period end.

Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to interpretation. It establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of amount expected to be paid to the tax authorities.

Deferred tax
Deferred tax arises from timing differences that are differences between taxable profit and total comprehensive income as stated in the financial statements. These timing differences arise from the inclusion of income and expenses in tax assessment in periods different from those in which are recognised in financial statements.

Deferred tax is recognised on all timing differences at the reporting date except for certain exceptions. Unrelieved tax losses and other deferred tax assets are only recognised when it is probable that they will be recovered against the reversal of deferred tax liabilities or other future taxable profits.

Deferred tax is measured using tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the period end and that are expected to apply to the reversal of the timing difference.

Foreign currencies
Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the spot exchange rates at the dates of the transactions.

At each period end foreign currency monetary items are translated using the closing rate. Non-monetary items measured at historical cost are translated using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction and non-monetary items measured at fair value are measured using the exchange rate when fair value was determined.

Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of transactions and from the translation at period-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the profit and loss account except when deferred in other comprehensive income as qualifying cash flow hedges.

Foreign exchange gains and losses are shown within administrative expenses.

Axelent Limited (Registered number: 04354234)

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31 December 2022


Employee benefits
The company provides a range of benefits to employees, including paid holiday arrangements and defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans.

Short term benefits
Short term benefits, including holiday pay and other similar non-monetary benefits, are recognised as an expense in the period in which the service is received.

Defined contribution pension plans
The company operates a defined contribution plan for its employees. A defined contribution plan is a pension plan under which the company pays fixed contributions into a separate entity. Once the contributions have been paid the company has no further payment obligations. The obligations are recognised as an expense when they are due. Amounts not paid are shown in accruals in the balance sheet. The assets of the plan are held separately from the company in independently administered funds.

Financial instruments
The company has chosen to adopt the Sections 11 and 12 of FRS 102 in respect of financial instruments.

Financial assets
Basic financial assets, including trade and other receivables, cash and bank balances, are initially recognised at transaction price, unless the arrangement constitutes a financing transaction, where the transaction is measured at the present value of the future receipts discounted at a market rate of interest.

Such assets are subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

At the end of each reporting period financial assets measured at amortised cost are assessed for objective evidence of impairment. If an asset is impaired the impairment loss is the difference between the carrying amount and the present value of the estimated cash flows discounted at the assets original effective interest rate. The impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss.

If there is a decrease in the impairment loss arising from an event occurring after the impairment was recognised the impairment is reversed. The reversal is such that the current carrying amount does not exceed what the carrying amount would have been had the impairment not previously been recognised. The impairment reversal is recognised in profit or loss.

Financial assets are derecognised when (a) the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire or are settled, or (b) substantially all the risks and rewards of the ownership of the asset are transferred to another party or (c) control the asset has been transferred to another party who has the practical ability to unilaterally sell the asset to an unrelated third party without imposing additional restrictions.

Financial liabilities
Basic financial liabilities, including trade and other payables, bank loans and overdrafts and loans from fellow group companies, are initially recognised at transaction price, unless the arrangement constitutes a financing transaction, where the debt instrument is measured at the present value of the future receipts discounted at a market rate of interest.

Debt instruments are subsequently carried at amortised cost, using the effective interest rate method.

Trade payables are obligations to pay for goods or services that have been acquired in the ordinary course of business from suppliers. Accounts payable are classified as current liabilities if payment is due within one year or less. If not, they are presented as non-current liabilities. Trade payables are
recognised initially at transaction price and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

Financial liabilities are derecognised when the liability is extinguished, that is when the contractual obligation is discharged, cancelled or expires.

Share capital
Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new ordinary shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds.

Distributions to equity holders
Dividends and other distributions to company's shareholders are recognised as a liability in the financial statements in the period in which the dividends and other distributions are approved by the company's shareholders.

Axelent Limited (Registered number: 04354234)

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31 December 2022


The average number of employees during the year was 14 (2021 - 13 ) .

Improvements Fixtures
to Plant and and Computer
property machinery fittings equipment Totals
£    £    £    £    £   
At 1 January 2022 16,818 18,413 76,149 45,621 157,001
Additions - - - 20,723 20,723
At 31 December 2022 16,818 18,413 76,149 66,344 177,724
At 1 January 2022 8,254 11,352 42,312 41,989 103,907
Charge for year 1,350 1,198 7,715 4,416 14,679
At 31 December 2022 9,604 12,550 50,027 46,405 118,586
At 31 December 2022 7,214 5,863 26,122 19,939 59,138
At 31 December 2021 8,564 7,061 33,837 3,632 53,094

2022 2021
£    £   
Stocks 173,603 127,655

2022 2021
£    £   
Trade debtors 613,132 958,224
Amounts owed by group undertakings 8,003 -
Other debtors 21,050 225,037
Prepayments 58,387 56,747
700,572 1,240,008

2022 2021
£    £   
Trade creditors 106,264 59,671
Amounts owed to group undertakings 121,600 182,430
Tax 158,362 114,367
Social security and other taxes 25,749 194,407
Accruals and deferred income 53,064 145,998
465,039 696,873


Minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases fall due as follows:
2022 2021
£    £   
Within one year 55,732 66,555
Between one and five years 96,307 152,039
152,039 218,594

Axelent Limited (Registered number: 04354234)

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31 December 2022


The Report of the Auditors was unqualified.

David Black (Senior Statutory Auditor)
for and on behalf of Sumer Audit


The company has taken advantage of exemption, under the terms of Financial Reporting Standard 102 'The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland', not to disclose related party transactions with wholly owned subsidiaries within the group.


The company is controlled by Axelent AB, an undertaking incorporated in Sweden, by virtue of its 100% interest
in the whole of the issued share capital of the company.

The smallest and the largest group in which the results of the company are consolidated is that headed by
Axelent Holding AB, the accounts of which can be obtained from Box 1, Kavsjoven 17, 330 33 Hillerstorp, Sweden .