Neston Community Youth Centre Limited - Charities report - 22.2

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited - Charities report - 22.2

IRIS Accounts Production v22.3.3.48 Other Company accounts True false Pounds 1.4.21 31.3.22 31.3.22 FY FRS 102 Independent examiner Large and medium-sized companies regime for accounts Full Charities SORP true true true true false true false true 0 0 iso4217:GBPiso4217:USDiso4217:EURxbrli:sharesxbrli:pure060523462021-03-31060523462022-03-31060523462021-04-012022-03-31060523462020-03-31060523462020-04-012021-03-31060523462021-03-3106052346ns22:CharitableCompanyLimitedByGuarantee2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns15:PoundSterling2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns11:FRS1022021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns11:IndependentExaminationCharity2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns11:LargeMedium-sizedCompaniesRegimeForAccounts2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns11:FullAccounts2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns11:CharitiesSORP2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns16:EnglandWales2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns11:RegisteredOffice2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:Trustee32021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:Trustee22021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:Trustee42021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:Trustee52021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:Trustee12021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:Trustee62021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:TotalUnrestrictedFunds2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:TotalRestrictedIncomeFunds2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:Activity82021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:TotalUnrestrictedFundsns22:Activity82021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:Activity8ns22:TotalRestrictedIncomeFunds2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns22:Activity82020-04-012021-03-3106052346ns22:TotalUnrestrictedFunds2021-03-3106052346ns22:TotalRestrictedIncomeFunds2021-03-3106052346ns22:TotalUnrestrictedFunds2022-03-3106052346ns22:TotalRestrictedIncomeFunds2022-03-3106052346ns22:TotalUnrestrictedFundsns6:WithinOneYear2022-03-3106052346ns22:TotalRestrictedIncomeFundsns6:WithinOneYear2022-03-3106052346ns6:WithinOneYear2022-03-3106052346ns6:WithinOneYear2021-03-3106052346ns6:PlantMachinery2021-04-012022-03-310605234622021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns6:OwnedAssets2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns6:OwnedAssets2020-04-012021-03-3106052346ns22:TotalUnrestrictedFunds2020-04-012021-03-3106052346ns22:TotalRestrictedIncomeFunds2020-04-012021-03-3106052346ns22:TotalUnrestrictedFundsns22:Activity82020-04-012021-03-3106052346ns22:Activity8ns22:TotalRestrictedIncomeFunds2020-04-012021-03-3106052346ns6:OwnedOrFreeholdAssetsns6:LandBuildings2021-03-3106052346ns6:PlantMachinery2021-03-3106052346ns6:OwnedOrFreeholdAssetsns6:LandBuildings2021-04-012022-03-3106052346ns6:OwnedOrFreeholdAssetsns6:LandBuildings2022-03-3106052346ns6:PlantMachinery2022-03-3106052346ns6:OwnedOrFreeholdAssetsns6:LandBuildings2021-03-3106052346ns6:PlantMachinery2021-03-31
REGISTERED COMPANY NUMBER: 06052346 (England and Wales)

Report of the Trustees and

Unaudited Financial Statements

for the Year Ended 31 March 2022


Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Contents of the Financial Statements
for the Year Ended 31 March 2022


Report of the Trustees 1

Independent Examiner's Report 2

Statement of Financial Activities 3

Balance Sheet 4 to 5

Notes to the Financial Statements 6 to 11

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited (Registered number: 06052346)

Report of the Trustees
for the Year Ended 31 March 2022

The trustees who are also directors of the charity for the purposes of the Companies Act 2006, present their report with the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 March 2022. The trustees have adopted the provisions of Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (effective 1 January 2019).

Governing document
The charity is controlled by its governing document, a Memorandum and Articles of Association and constitutes a limited company, limited by guarantee, as defined by the Companies Act 2006.

Registered Company number
06052346 (England and Wales)

Registered Charity number

Registered office
The Centre Burton Rd
CH64 9RE

D G Clark Chairman
Ms L C Gittins
Ms K Quayle
Mrs C M Owen
Mrs K Robinson
Mrs H Roberts

Independent Examiner
Haines Watts
Military House
24 Castle Street

Approved by order of the board of trustees on 7 September 2022 and signed on its behalf by:

Mrs K Robinson - Trustee

Independent Examiner's Report to the Trustees of
Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Independent examiner's report to the trustees of Neston Community Youth Centre Limited ('the Company')
I report to the charity trustees on my examination of the accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 March 2022.

Responsibilities and basis of report
As the charity's trustees of the Company (and also its directors for the purposes of company law) you are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 ('the 2006 Act').

Having satisfied myself that the accounts of the Company are not required to be audited under Part 16 of the 2006 Act and are eligible for independent examination, I report in respect of my examination of your charity's accounts as carried out under Section 145 of the Charities Act 2011 ('the 2011 Act'). In carrying out my examination I have followed the Directions given by the Charity Commission under Section 145(5) (b) of the 2011 Act.

Independent examiner's statement
I have completed my examination. I confirm that no matters have come to my attention in connection with the examination giving me cause to believe:

1. accounting records were not kept in respect of the Company as required by Section 386 of the 2006 Act; or
2. the accounts do not accord with those records; or
3. the accounts do not comply with the accounting requirements of Section 396 of the 2006 Act other than any requirement that the accounts give a true and fair view which is not a matter considered as part of an independent examination; or
4. the accounts have not been prepared in accordance with the methods and principles of the Statement of Recommended Practice for accounting and reporting by charities (applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102)).

I have no concerns and have come across no other matters in connection with the examination to which attention should be drawn in this report in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.

N St J Blake
Haines Watts
Military House
24 Castle Street

7 September 2022

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Statement of Financial Activities
for the Year Ended 31 March 2022

31.3.22 31.3.21
Unrestricted Restricted Total Total
funds funds funds funds
Notes £    £    £    £   
Donations and legacies 4,194 17,020 21,214 77,993

Charitable activities 2 173,410 - 173,410 97,579
Other income 11,023 - 11,023 18,047
Total 188,627 17,020 205,647 193,619

Raising funds 8,324 - 8,324 6,907

Charitable activities
General Activities of the Centre 132,585 28,582 161,167 145,545

Other 26,576 505 27,081 17,181
Total 167,485 29,087 196,572 169,633

NET INCOME/(EXPENDITURE) 21,142 (12,067 ) 9,075 23,986

Total funds brought forward 93,976 38,953 132,929 108,943

TOTAL FUNDS CARRIED FORWARD 115,118 26,886 142,004 132,929

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited (Registered number: 06052346)

Balance Sheet
31 March 2022

31.3.22 31.3.21
Unrestricted Restricted Total Total
funds funds funds funds
Notes £    £    £    £   
Tangible assets 6 82,500 - 82,500 82,500

Debtors 7 11,901 - 11,901 293
Cash at bank and in hand 24,176 27,052 51,228 69,191
36,077 27,052 63,129 69,484

Amounts falling due within one year 8 (3,459 ) (166 ) (3,625 ) (19,055 )

NET CURRENT ASSETS 32,618 26,886 59,504 50,429

TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 115,118 26,886 142,004 132,929

NET ASSETS 115,118 26,886 142,004 132,929
Unrestricted funds 115,118 93,976
Restricted funds 26,886 38,953
TOTAL FUNDS 142,004 132,929

The charitable company is entitled to exemption from audit under Section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 31 March 2022.

The members have not required the company to obtain an audit of its financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 in accordance with Section 476 of the Companies Act 2006.

The trustees acknowledge their responsibilities for
(a)ensuring that the charitable company keeps accounting records that comply with Sections 386 and 387 of the Companies Act 2006 and
(b)preparing financial statements which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charitable company as at the end of each financial year and of its surplus or deficit for each financial year in accordance with the requirements of Sections 394 and 395 and which otherwise comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 relating to financial statements, so far as applicable to the charitable company.

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited (Registered number: 06052346)

Balance Sheet - continued
31 March 2022

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions applicable to charitable companies subject to the small companies regime.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Trustees and authorised for issue on 7 September 2022 and were signed on its behalf by:

K Robinson - Trustee

L C Gittins - Trustee

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements
for the Year Ended 31 March 2022


Basis of preparing the financial statements
The financial statements of the charitable company, which is a public benefit entity under FRS 102, have been prepared in accordance with the Charities SORP (FRS 102) 'Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (effective 1 January 2019)', Financial Reporting Standard 102 'The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland' and the Companies Act 2006. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

All income is recognised in the Statement of Financial Activities once the charity has entitlement to the funds, it is probable that the income will be received and the amount can be measured reliably.

Liabilities are recognised as expenditure as soon as there is a legal or constructive obligation committing the charity to that expenditure, it is probable that a transfer of economic benefits will be required in settlement and the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably. Expenditure is accounted for on an accruals basis and has been classified under headings that aggregate all cost related to the category. Where costs cannot be directly attributed to particular headings they have been allocated to activities on a basis consistent with the use of resources.

Tangible fixed assets
Depreciation is provided at the following annual rates in order to write off each asset over its estimated useful life.

Plant and machinery - at varying rates on cost

The charity is exempt from corporation tax on its charitable activities.

Fund accounting
Unrestricted funds can be used in accordance with the charitable objectives at the discretion of the trustees.

Restricted funds can only be used for particular restricted purposes within the objects of the charity. Restrictions arise when specified by the donor or when funds are raised for particular restricted purposes.

Further explanation of the nature and purpose of each fund is included in the notes to the financial statements.

Pension costs and other post-retirement benefits
The charitable company operates a defined contribution pension scheme. Contributions payable to the charitable company's pension scheme are charged to the Statement of Financial Activities in the period to which they relate.

31.3.22 31.3.21
£    £   
Centre Rents 94,828 48,305
Activity Income 909 14,198
Contracts 77,673 35,071
Membership - 5
173,410 97,579

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31 March 2022


Net income/(expenditure) is stated after charging/(crediting):

31.3.22 31.3.21
£    £   
Depreciation - owned assets 715 4,908


There were no trustees' remuneration or other benefits for the year ended 31 March 2022 nor for the year ended 31 March 2021.

Trustees' expenses

There were no trustees' expenses paid for the year ended 31 March 2022 nor for the year ended 31 March 2021.

Unrestricted Restricted Total
funds funds funds
£    £    £   
Donations and legacies 4,793 73,200 77,993

Charitable activities 97,579 - 97,579
Other income 18,047 - 18,047
Total 120,419 73,200 193,619

Raising funds 6,289 618 6,907

Charitable activities
General Activities of the Centre 106,681 38,864 145,545

Other 14,637 2,544 17,181
Total 127,607 42,026 169,633

NET INCOME/(EXPENDITURE) (7,188 ) 31,174 23,986

Total funds brought forward 101,165 7,778 108,943

TOTAL FUNDS CARRIED FORWARD 93,977 38,952 132,929

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31 March 2022

Freehold Plant and
property machinery Totals
£    £    £   
At 1 April 2021 82,500 12,628 95,128
Additions - 715 715
At 31 March 2022 82,500 13,343 95,843
At 1 April 2021 - 12,628 12,628
Charge for year - 715 715
At 31 March 2022 - 13,343 13,343
At 31 March 2022 82,500 - 82,500
At 31 March 2021 82,500 - 82,500

31.3.22 31.3.21
£    £   
Trade debtors 11,901 293

31.3.22 31.3.21
£    £   
Trade creditors 1,290 7,453
Social security and other taxes 1,981 6,020
Other creditors 354 5,582
3,625 19,055

movement At
At 1.4.21 in funds 31.3.22
£    £    £   
Unrestricted funds
General fund 11,476 (2,433 ) 9,043
Freehold Land at Neston 82,500 - 82,500
Early Intervention - 17,578 17,578
Primary Care - 5,997 5,997
93,976 21,142 115,118
Restricted funds
CWAC Member Budgets - 5,474 5,474
Community Led 1,753 (1,205 ) 548
Cheshire Minds Matter 37,200 (28,336 ) 8,864
Shop4Neston - 12,000 12,000
38,953 (12,067 ) 26,886
TOTAL FUNDS 132,929 9,075 142,004

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31 March 2022

9. MOVEMENT IN FUNDS - continued

Net movement in funds, included in the above are as follows:

Incoming Resources Movement
resources expended in funds
£    £    £   
Unrestricted funds
General fund 110,949 (113,382 ) (2,433 )
Early Intervention 41,485 (23,907 ) 17,578
Primary Care 36,193 (30,196 ) 5,997
188,627 (167,485 ) 21,142
Restricted funds
CWAC Member Budgets 6,000 (526 ) 5,474
Community Led (980 ) (225 ) (1,205 )
Cheshire Minds Matter - (28,336 ) (28,336 )
Shop4Neston 12,000 - 12,000
17,020 (29,087 ) (12,067 )
TOTAL FUNDS 205,647 (196,572 ) 9,075

Comparatives for movement in funds

movement At
At 1.4.20 in funds 31.3.21
£    £    £   
Unrestricted funds
General fund 18,665 (7,189 ) 11,476
Freehold Land at Neston 82,500 - 82,500
101,165 (7,189 ) 93,976
Restricted funds
Neston Angels 410 (410 ) -
CWAC Member Budgets 84 (84 ) -
Community Led 7,288 (5,535 ) 1,753
Garden Fund (4 ) 4 -
Cheshire Minds Matter - 37,200 37,200
7,778 31,175 38,953
TOTAL FUNDS 108,943 23,986 132,929

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31 March 2022

9. MOVEMENT IN FUNDS - continued

Comparative net movement in funds, included in the above are as follows:

Incoming Resources Movement
resources expended in funds
£    £    £   
Unrestricted funds
General fund 120,419 (127,608 ) (7,189 )

Restricted funds
Neston Angels - (410 ) (410 )
CWAC Member Budgets - (84 ) (84 )
Community Led - (5,535 ) (5,535 )
Garden Fund - 4 4
CAF CV-19 Response grant 4,200 (4,200 ) -
Cheshire Minds Matter 37,200 - 37,200
CWAC Covid Response Fund 3,000 (3,000 ) -
NLCF Awards for All 9,600 (9,600 ) -
TISS 19,200 (19,200 ) -
73,200 (42,025 ) 31,175
TOTAL FUNDS 193,619 (169,633 ) 23,986

A current year 12 months and prior year 12 months combined position is as follows:

movement At
At 1.4.20 in funds 31.3.22
£    £    £   
Unrestricted funds
General fund 18,665 (9,622 ) 9,043
Freehold Land at Neston 82,500 - 82,500
Early Intervention - 17,578 17,578
Primary Care - 5,997 5,997
101,165 13,953 115,118
Restricted funds
Neston Angels 410 (410 ) -
CWAC Member Budgets 84 5,390 5,474
Community Led 7,288 (6,740 ) 548
Garden Fund (4 ) 4 -
Cheshire Minds Matter - 8,864 8,864
Shop4Neston - 12,000 12,000
7,778 19,108 26,886
TOTAL FUNDS 108,943 33,061 142,004

Neston Community Youth Centre Limited

Notes to the Financial Statements - continued
for the Year Ended 31 March 2022

9. MOVEMENT IN FUNDS - continued

A current year 12 months and prior year 12 months combined net movement in funds, included in the above are as follows:

Incoming Resources Movement
resources expended in funds
£    £    £   
Unrestricted funds
General fund 231,368 (240,990 ) (9,622 )
Early Intervention 41,485 (23,907 ) 17,578
Primary Care 36,193 (30,196 ) 5,997
309,046 (295,093 ) 13,953
Restricted funds
Neston Angels - (410 ) (410 )
CWAC Member Budgets 6,000 (610 ) 5,390
Community Led (980 ) (5,760 ) (6,740 )
Garden Fund - 4 4
CAF CV-19 Response grant 4,200 (4,200 ) -
Cheshire Minds Matter 37,200 (28,336 ) 8,864
CWAC Covid Response Fund 3,000 (3,000 ) -
NLCF Awards for All 9,600 (9,600 ) -
TISS 19,200 (19,200 ) -
Shop4Neston 12,000 - 12,000
90,220 (71,112 ) 19,108
TOTAL FUNDS 399,266 (366,205 ) 33,061


There were no related party transactions for the year ended 31 March 2022.